prallax-bg delays the picture

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:31 am
hello I want to use the parallax-bg (quark) but the picture (sized: 1400x800px) does delay to the right side


this is the picture how it looks really


And how smaller the display is the more the picture is on the right side or not to see.


Can you help me with this parallax thing?
thanks Claudia
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Gold Boarder

Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:04 pm
Could you please provide me with a URL to your website, either here or via PM (click the “Private Message” text underneath my avatar) so that I may analyze it? It is a lot easier for us to diagnose issues when we have a live site to examine.
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