Captcha won't show

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:51 pm
The page is
It is registration form after visitor adds something to the cart in Virtuemart. The registration can't go, because ReCaptcha doesn't show. I've tested it with other template, ReCaptcha does show. Yet, when I switch back to Quark, it won't show... Need help.
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Platinum Boarder

Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:40 am

Have You been trying to add recaptcha on Your own. I can see multiple call outs to recaptcha page. Please send me an access to joomla panel and ftp. The old one is not working.
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GK User
Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:15 pm
teitbite wrote:I can see multiple call outs to recaptcha page.

Sent you PM with login info.
So does this mean that there's no way we can have multiple recaptchas? I have the one in the popup contact form and the one while registering user for VirtueMart... The popup button is if there's something that doesn't work on the site, seems like needed all the time. With this button people started contacting me much more. And while processing order in VirtueMart - I wouldn't want bots to register, if I remove Captcha there, how do I stop bots from registering?
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Platinum Boarder

Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:24 am

Google allows only one recaptcha per page, so as long as You have those forms separated it should be fine. I've asked programmers for help. Will let You know as soon as they will answer me.
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Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:51 pm

I just got the answer that it was fixed on Your site, so please check. Unfortunately I have no informations about what was done. I'm gonna ask.
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GK User
Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:16 pm
teitbite wrote:Hi
Unfortunately I have no informations about what was done. I'm gonna ask.

Thank you, this one does work! Though would be glad to hear what have they done, cause there are couple other places I'd need it too, like login page ( or OPC (onepagecheckout Let me know when you hear from them. Thank you for all the help!
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:49 am
I don't wanna "bump" this topic, just want to convey that I have realized why comments on my website has not been working... Because all my site is educational articles with comments (jcomments) open, there's recaptcha there. Now with this feedback button (which also does have recaptcha) comments do not work.
Since my site is old (one linked domain registered since 2002), this address is there in all bot's lists, so turning recaptcha off in any one of those two doesn't seem to be an option...
I fully understand that this is not your bug, has nothing to do with you, of course no complaints. I just hope your more skilled people would know and share a workaround for such a conflict...
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Platinum Boarder

Tue Dec 27, 2016 12:04 pm

Changes was done in html/com_virtuemart, unfortunately programmers do not recall where exactly, so please copy whole catalogue if You want to use it with Your other website.
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