Hi, thanks for your reply, an optimal solution ... After implement their codes, I have only five problems that have arisen as a result of the use of the code, I attached a picture where you can clearly see ... thanks, greetings...
1) Search icon does not align with the center of the Main Menu(with the scrooll).
2) Car icon does not align with the center of the Main Menu(with the scrooll).
3) The Logo does not align with the center of the Main Menu(with the scrooll).
4) the search box overcomes, less, but overlaps(with the scrooll).
5) In the case of the Cart, I have the following problem: Match always on top of other objects with click events, and therefore, when I try to click out to close the shopping cart, events clicks are generally going to another page ... I need at least the possibility of an X at the top right of the cart, to close it, not just with the click off, but also with the X to close ...