On my website w www.dagmarwienke.de w I have a kind of blog. It is under the menu "Notizen". I use the theme "Quark" and K2 for the blog (under menu "Notizen") and the articles (under the menu „Texte"). m http://www.dagmarwienke.de/blog.html m und m http://www.dagmarwienke.de/texte.html m
When you click on a listed article the link opens the article. So far so good. Like here: m http://www.dagmarwienke.de/blog/item/43 ... erter.html m
The image ist placed in the header and that is what I don't like. In K2, I think, you can't choose to have a header or not, only when you use the article function in joomla.
I would like to have the image not in the header, but in the content of the article like on the blog page of the them „Creativity" from Gavickpro" m https://demo.gavick.com/joomla25/creati ... -user-page m .
Is that possible to modify the theme quark for both the articles in „Notizen” and in „Texte" in that way?
With kind regards