I have looked far and wide and finally discovered the fix for all of those using the most recent stable version of quark with virtuemart and using stock virtuemart paypal module as your payment method. The issue is that when using one page checkout and paypal, when a customer clicks step 3 shipping method the cart refreshes and results in a series of credit card errors on the top of the page. This comes from technically not having credit card details in the fields even though the customer has yet to get to that step. The issue is the case both with stock virtuemart one page check out and 3rd party one page checkout upgrades such as rupostel and virtueplanet one page checkout. The fix is as follows:
1. Open plugins/vmpayment/paypal/paypal.php
Find the following codes in line 1104:
public function plgVmOnSelectCheckPayment(VirtueMartCart $cart, &$msg) {
Replace above by:
public function plgVmOnSelectCheckPayment(VirtueMartCart $cart, &$msg) {
if(!vRequest::getInt('virtuemart_paymentmethod_id', 0)) {
return null;
Similarly find the following codes in line 1301:
function plgVmOnCheckoutCheckDataPayment(VirtueMartCart $cart) {
Replace above by:
function plgVmOnCheckoutCheckDataPayment(VirtueMartCart $cart) {
if(!vRequest::getInt('virtuemart_paymentmethod_id', 0)) {
return null;