Missing some icon on the front page

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Thu Apr 07, 2016 6:41 am
hello, i have some problems here, i'd change the content (text) inside the "Intellegent Shoe" module, but after replace the text with my own, cross and plus icon that usually appear when black button clicked, theres dissappear.. my second question, can i change the orange color background with other?? where's code should i change?

here's some preview off my problem
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Apr 11, 2016 3:18 pm

This module is a Custom HTML code and those icons are set with a line of code:

Code: Select all
<span class="big-photo-button-preloader"></span>

since this layer is empty some joomla editors may remove it, so make sure to make changes when joomla editor is set to none in Your user settings.

Below is complete code from this module from our demo:

Code: Select all
<div class="big-photo">
<div class="big-photo-img">
<img src="images/demo/ecommerce/shoes_bg.jpg" alt="" />

<span class="big-photo-button gk-overlay-button" style="top: 20%; right: 30%" data-sr="scale up 30% over .75s and wait .5s">
<span class="big-photo-button-preloader"></span>
<span class="big-photo-button-popup">
<img src="images/demo/ecommerce/popup_img1.jpg" alt="">
<strong>Free Powerliners</strong>
<small>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </small>

<span class="big-photo-button gk-overlay-button" style="top: 70%; right: 10%" data-sr="scale up 30% over .75s and wait .8s">
<span class="big-photo-button-preloader"></span>
<span class="big-photo-button-popup">
<img src="images/demo/ecommerce/popup_img2.jpg" alt="">
<strong>Round Shoelaces</strong>
<small>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </small>

<div class="big-photo-desc">
<h2>Intelligent Shoe</h2>
<p>What really makes us stand out from the crowd is our commitment to our community. We develop powerful plugins that add a ton of features and control to your site, all open-source and free to use as you please.</p>
<p>Purchase a theme with us and you'll get to use it on as many websites as you like, with access to any updates we release and technical support whenever you need it; no artificial limits here. Go further with our All Theme package, which get you access to everything we've released and will ever release for a fraction of the cost. Enjoy creative freedom with GavickPro!</p>

<span class="big-photo-button" data-sr="scale up 30% over .75s and wait 1.1s">
<span class="big-photo-button-preloader"></span>
<span class="big-photo-button-popup">
<img src="images/demo/ecommerce/popup_img3.jpg" alt="">
<strong>Eco Cowhide</strong>
<small>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </small>
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GK User
Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:55 pm
hey thank you, problem's solved..
what about changing the orange background to other color? where's code i should to change?
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:15 am

To change background color use this code in override.css with a color of Your choosing.

Code: Select all
.big-photo .big-photo-desc {
    background: #eeaa33 none repeat scroll 0 0;
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