I am getting this message after I installed Fox Contact 3.6.0. My Joomla version 3.5.0
"Multiple jQuery inclusion detected, please disable any extra instance."
I contacted the Fox technical support and they are requesting me the followig:
Seems that your template prevent the inclusion of this js:
<script src="/media/jui/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
This javascript add some required function to the jQuery object, Fox Contact detect the problem and report it as "Multiple jQuery inclusion detected" that is the main cause of this problem.
If you go to the join-our-team page with the protostar template you can see that the error is not present.
Probably, if you can add the javascript (bootstrap.min.js) configuring/changing your template the problem will be resolved.
The "bootstrap.min.js" must be loaded after the "jquery.min.js"."
I would like to know where (which file and directory?) I should place the script mentioned above please.