Hi, I tried the code and confirms that it works and I think it has always worked well, because the problem that the changes are not visible, depends not only on its code, but depends also, surely has preoridad the following code, this in the module: "Intelligent Shoe"
<Div class = "big-photo">
<Div class = "big-photo-img"> <img src = "/ images / demo / ecommerce / shoes_bg.jpg" alt = "" /> <span class = "big-photo-button-overlay-button gk" style = "top: 20%; right: 30%;" data-sr = "scale up 30% over .75s and wait .5s"> <span class = "big-photo-button-popup"> <img src = "/ images / demo / ecommerce / popup_img1.jpg" alt = "" /> <strong> Free Powerliners </ strong> <small> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </ Small> </ span> </ span> <span class = "big-photo-button-overlay-button gk" style = "top: 70%; right: 10%;" data-sr = "scale up 30% over .75s and wait .8s"> <span class = "big-photo-button-popup"> <img src = "/ images / demo / ecommerce / popup_img2.jpg" alt = "" /> <strong> Round Shoelaces </ strong> <small> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </ Small> </ span> </ span> </ div>
<Div class = "big-photo-desc">
<P> </ p>
<H2> FRANCHISING body formula + </ h2>
<P> </ p>
<H2> -ROYALTY SUL FATTURATO = € 0.00 </ h2>
<P> </ p>
<Span class = "big-photo-button" data-sr = "scale up 30% over .75s and wait 1.1s"> <span class = "big-photo-button-popup"> <img src = "/ images /demo/ecommerce/popup_img3.jpg "alt =" "/> <strong> Eco Cowhide </ strong> <small> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </ Small> </ span> </ span> </ div>
</ Div>
* I confirm that I resolved only by eliminating lines of text, because if I do not change and continuous image are still very large ...
<P> </ p>
<H2> FRANCHISING body formula + </ h2>
<P> </ p>
<H2> -ROYALTY SUL FATTURATO = € 0.00 </ h2>
<P> </ p>
** Now that this problem is solved, I need only to insert a link like "CONTACT US" associated with these lines of text and I need the first line of text starts below and not attached to the top edge ...
Thank you very much, greetings ...