12/3 quickinstall of quark ecommerce
Based on a prior forum post, I am able to successfully undo the full page header default (thereby removing the excess white space between modules) with templates/gk_quark/js/gk.ecommerce.js and modify this text:
// Calling functions for the resize
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).on('load resize', function() {
if($('#gkBg').outerHeight() < $(window).outerHeight()) {
$('#gkBg').css('min-height', $(window).outerHeight() + "px");
All looks good except the mobile portrait screen which ends right at the bottom of the browse now button. Since there is no image on that view, the height ends at the bottom of the browse now button and implementing this fix makes it look very unbalanced in this mobile portrait view. Is there a way ON JUST THE MOBILE PORTRAIT view to manually set the height of that module so that I can add white space under it to make it look more balanced?