Virtuemart resizing to meet quark product browse image size

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:38 pm
12/3 quick install of quark ecommerce

If you click the browse store button you will see the "top level category" menu position link. Scroll to see Kneekers in the TABLET portrait and MOBILE PHONE portrait responsive views. Based on your template it is resizing the standard virtuemart image size that is uploaded for that product parent and stretching it beyond the pixel size resulting in a (pixelated/blurred) image. I do like your size in the template - is there a way to set virtuemart when uploading images during product set up to have it create a thumb size so that it displays correctly when viewed in these 2 responsive views?
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Expert Boarder

Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:30 pm

Settings for thumbs dimentions can be found in Virtuemart's Configuration for Trmplate (bottom section). But I may be wrong, I'm not a VM expert, You may want to check that in VM documentation or ask on their forums.
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