Problems with Quark logo

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:39 pm
I'm having real problems getting acceptable quality logos in the Quark template. Having researched posts on this topic, it seems a lot of other people have had similar problems, but none have been properly resolved.

First, I tried simply using an image file, which is fine if your logo works ok on all backgrounds. Mine doesn't (the colour is the same on light and dark backgrounds, but it's a transparent .png and needs different mattes). Like others before me, I assumed that assigning a 'dark logo image' would use that image on the fixed menu and the original 'logo image' in the header. This is not the case, rather the 'dark logo image' is used in both positions when assigned.

To overcome the problem I decided to replace the .png with an .svg file, only to discover that the template doesn't recognise SVG images.

Having used a logo defined in CSS for other Gavick templates I assumed I'd be able to do the same with Quark and this was to be my next option. However, there's no CSS logo option in the Quark template (despite there being several references to it in replies to forum posts).

So I'm wondering what to do next?
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GK User
Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:44 am
If anyone else is having the same problems, here's what I did:

If you set the logo type to image in the Features tab of the template style editor and don't specify a logo image (leave it blank) the template uses templates/gk_quark/images/logo.png.

I edited the file templates/gk_quark/layouts/blocks/logo.php changing this line:
Code: Select all
  $logo_image = $this->API->URLtemplate() . '/images/logo.png';

to this:

Code: Select all
  $logo_image = $this->API->URLtemplate() . '/images/logo.svg';

If you now add your own logo.svg file to the templates/gk_quark/images/ folder it will appear in the logo position.

Except you won't be able to see it because its parent is an a: element with 0 width and height and the svg is scaled to fit within it (I think). I added the following line to my override.css to fix this:

Code: Select all
#gkLogo {

It seems to be working ok, but I'm disapponted that the Quark template, which is one of the most recent ones, doesn't support SVG and CSS logos out of the box and requires all this messing about (for one thing I now have to remember to re-edit logo.php if I update the template).
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Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:48 pm

Thank You for shearing the solution with us. I agree with You. This options were removed to simplify it for our users, but it also blocked some other useful functionality for more advanced. Will try to talk to programmers about keeping this options in newer templates.
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