I just installed the full with demo install. Starting with the home page / header module. using jce editor. My main image is a photo so the overlay text didn't look right. I deleted it, but wanted to keep the browse button centered on the page on desktop, etc. I simply deleted the code applicable to the title and subtitle and the button remained fine. Then I added carriage returns to get the button to appear under the feet of the middle baby (with blue product pattern) shown in the main image. At some point in the adjustments I lost the centering. I apologize for the noob question but how do i get it centered again?
This is the applicable text I currently have now:
<p><img src="images/demo/ecommerce/catback.jpg" alt="" class="parallax-img" /></p>
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<div class="gkStoreHeader"><a href="#" class="btn-border">BROWSE STORE</a></div>
As a side question if I may, also, is there a way to get this button to also show up in the mobile version? It disappears when I view it on mobile.