Customize Color in ecommerce Quark template

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:26 pm
Hello to all,

I am pretty new in Joomla as well as in Gavick, but I am very interested in learning how to make this work.

I have been reading a lot but couldn't find how to change ALL the "yellow" colors of Quark Ecommerce template to my custom.

My site is under construction, and my very first question is how to make this color change possible.


thank you in advance for your support and patience.

Good Work Gavick!
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GK User
Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:23 pm
It seems there is not one colour of yellow. I guess the best idea is to follow this article: ... ss-changes
The only difference is that you should not add those things to override.css but modify core less files and recompile them again (using less compilation option in template settings).
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GK User
Wed Nov 25, 2015 9:53 am
Cyberek wrote:It seems there is not one colour of yellow. I guess the best idea is to follow this article: ... ss-changes
The only difference is that you should not add those things to override.css but modify core less files and recompile them again (using less compilation option in template settings).

Hi there Cyberek, I tried to follow the instructions in you link. What I did:

1: Install Firebug Lite
2: Open my website and look for "Yellows" on template.ecommerce.css
3:Make changes in some "Yellows" and verify that it was working.
4:Download /public_html/templates/gk_quark/css/template.ecommerce.css
5:Edit with Notepad ++ the .css and replace all the "Yellows" for my color.
6:Upload again .css
7:Relaunch and ...
8:Nothing happens! all the "Yellows" I replaced are again there! :shock:

Obviously I am doing something (if not everything) wrong. :oops: Any clues :idea: how to follow with this figth?

What are the files in what folders that I have to modify to make this color change happen?
( I want to put my custom colors in Phone, tablet, desktop.... configurations. Same for all).

Thank you for your support.
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GK User
Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:32 pm
If you don't want to edit .lesss files, please disable less compilation in template settings (editing .less files might be more easy - just search for those stylings/colors in those files).
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GK User
Thu Nov 26, 2015 5:55 pm
Cyberek wrote:If you don't want to edit .lesss files, please disable less compilation in template settings (editing .less files might be more easy - just search for those stylings/colors in those files).

Hi Cyberek , this is the first time I heard about .less files in GavikPro. Anyway, if I understand what you tell me, I have two options:

Option 1: (long one) :

1.- Disable .less compilations in template settings
2.- Edit and customize all the .css files

Option 2: (easy one):

1.- Edit .less

My questions:
1- Inside gk_quark there is a LESS folder inside this folder there are .less files and also RESTAURANT and ECOMMERCE folders, with more .less files inside each. What files should I edit? (I am working in the ecommerce template inside Quark.
2- Editing this files is enough to make my chages work? compilation is automatic?
3- What is your suggestion?


Thank you for ur time, and support.
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GK User
Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:33 pm
Less recompilation happens every time somebody is visiting your site and less compilation is enabled. So you don't need to worry about it.
I'm a programmer and I would approach this thing in a little bit different way. I would download entire less folder to my local machine and load it up into somekind of css editing software (I use Sublime). Then I would use firebug to find first color (lets assume it is #123456) and search this folder for the found color (sublime allows to search through all files in "loaded" folder). After that I would repeat the procedure (find next color, search for it in less files, change and so on).
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GK User
Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:46 pm
Thank you Cyberek!

Now it's done. This post can be closed. Thank you.
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GK User
Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:58 pm
If you have any additional questions regarding this topic, please let me know.
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GK User
Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:52 pm
I couldn't get a color change to work..
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Fresh Boarder
