Cyberek wrote:It seems there is not one colour of yellow. I guess the best idea is to follow this article: ... ss-changesThe only difference is that you should not add those things to override.css but modify core less files and recompile them again (using less compilation option in template settings).
Hi there Cyberek, I tried to follow the instructions in you link. What I did:
1: Install Firebug Lite
2: Open my website and look for "Yellows" on template.ecommerce.css
3:Make changes in some "Yellows" and verify that it was working.
4:Download /public_html/templates/gk_quark/css/template.ecommerce.css
5:Edit with Notepad ++ the .css and replace all the "Yellows" for my color.
6:Upload again .css
7:Relaunch and ...
8:Nothing happens! all the "Yellows" I replaced are again there!
Obviously I am doing something (if not everything) wrong.
Any clues
how to follow with this figth?
What are the files in what folders that I have to modify to make this color change happen?
( I want to put my custom colors in Phone, tablet, desktop.... configurations. Same for all).
Thank you for your support.