After searching far and wide I realise that I have to ask you guys for help. It's always worked in the past, but my pride takes a blow when I cannot figure stuff out myself.
I'm working on a new site with the beautiful quark design. I started out with the quickstart for the original Quark-template, but after a while I realised that I needed a webshop as part of the website. No worries, I'll just use the ecommerce-version. I have always wanted to try that, so that was a bonus, but there the fun ended.
The website works fine on the other stuff, except virtuemart. It seems to break the template and even revert to the off-canvas menu even though it's disabled everywhere.
This website is for a campaign launching very soon and I'm a bit stressed out here. I have enabled the gavick super user so you can check it out.
The site is here: http://psykiskhelsefag.no.preview.stwcp.net/
The webshop is here: http://psykiskhelsefag.no.preview.stwcp.net/nettbutikk
And the breakdown happens here: http://psykiskhelsefag.no.preview.stwcp ... hettejakke
Any help would be greatly appreciated!