Quark, module in Bottom1 position

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:43 pm

I would like to put module with big picture - like header (or even smaller height) - in the Bottom1 position.
How I can do it? Tried to do it different ways, but one way it is only a small picture in the middle (not from side to side), if we use ready made module, so the height is too big and picture inside of begin to be larger and so on.

Kind regards,
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Junior Boarder

Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:49 am

Module positions other than header are limited to site width only. To have a full width modules You need to use page class suffix "frontpage" with module class suffix "box-wide". Than a very large image so it can cover screen side to side.
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GK User
Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:59 am
Thank you for your answer.
I try to do this - but no result. No any module is coming to the frontpage after this.
I am a new one in Joomla... could you write more details - how to do this step by step? Or may be there is any instruction somewhere?
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Junior Boarder

Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:39 am

1. You need a page class suffix "frontpage" for the page You want to use full width module. Here an example how to add it: https://www.gavick.com/documentation/jo ... omla-pages

2. The module which should take full width needs this word "box-wide" added to Module Class Suffix section in it's advanced settings.

First needs to be done in template settings, second in module's settings. Hope it will help.
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