400 lines of Quark custom code!
Default Style
Under Construction!
Next week, custom code of Blog!
Enjoy Quark!
ancadia wrote:Heeey! Thank you xWiz
To change main menu font go to:
Administration / Templates / Quark / Fonts
On selector 3 for example
Font Url:
Font Name: Josefin Sans
On selector Square Paste:
If you need help! Please let me know
teitbite wrote:Hi
But I said it looks much better xWiz Ok. I'm leaving You with this conversation, will not bother You than. No till You will need some technical help. See You.
xWiz wrote:Hi, sorry for late response was busy.
I added this: #gkHeaderNav
in : On selector Square Paste
At the end of the text
But i coulndt assing or find selector after that
#aside-menu li a {
font-family: Arial;
teitbite wrote:Hi
You can simply add this to override.css file:
- Code: Select all
#aside-menu li a {
font-family: Arial;
.item-content h2,
ancadia wrote:Ok dude:
First go to template settings > GK_Quark > Fonts:
2. In Other Fonts - I > Select Google Fonts and paste the following URL:
URL: //fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Josefin+Sans:300,400,500,600,700,900
Font Name: Josefin Sans
3. On Selector Square paste: #gkHeaderNav
I attach an Image:
Let me know PLEASE!