Can someone from Gavick please advise how to totally remove any reference to or links to Gravatar at on all Gavick Joomla Templates
There is little on this forum about why Gavick makes people link to Gravatars that take up valuable left hand side space on templates for Gravatar images.
It may be a Joomla thing but Gavick can tell use how to opt out as their templates are affected.
Also, the presence of Gravatars means that every page on every Gavick template in use around the World must communicate with during page load.
I do not want every one who uses my page to have to load something from a third party site and I do not want to show a Gravator or be forced to lose 85 px on the left hand side of articles.
So, Gavick.... show us how to get rid of Gravatars... or at least those who want to.