When changing LOGO image position and dimensions,
I'm getting different results if I edit directly template.restaurant.css
compared to if I put my code on override.css (after enabled CSS
override on advance template settings)
Original template.restaurant.css code
#gkLogo img {
display: block;
height: auto;
margin: 0px;
max-width: 300px;
1- Direct template.restaurant.css editing (css override OFF):
a) Changes:
#gkLogo img {
display: block;
height: auto;
margin-left: 50px; /* changed */
max-width: 400px; /* changed */
b) Results:
When I change my browser windows size all responds well and,
although there is some overlapping of the classic menu at a given
point, bellow a certain width (+- 630px) the logo even decreases in
size so it will not overlap the (now) off-canvas menu icon (even with
only 286 px width).
2- override.css editing (css override ON):
a) Changes:
after put back the original code on template.restaurant.css
and enabled css override on the template advanced settings,
on the only code inside override.css file is:
#gkLogo img {
margin-left: 50px;
max-width: 400px;
b) Results:
When I change my browser windows size the logo never resizes
itself and after +- 470px width starts the (now) off-canvas menu
icon overlapping it.
Also, if I continue to decrease width, bellow this point (+- 470px),
the logo is cut off by the browser frame and it starts to be only
partially visible.
1- Why this difference in editing directly template.restaurant.css
compared to if I put my code on override.css
2- In certain points during browser width decreasing there are black bars
on the left and right of the header image.
Where can I change this to white (as I will use a white image in future)?
Lots of thanks in advance,
Miguel Garcia