Template custom override folder - not work

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Mon May 25, 2015 2:21 pm
This cool option does not work, ie. Block site. :(



Best Regards!
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Thu May 28, 2015 3:21 pm

Which files did you overrided? Did you tried to disable the page preloader temporary?
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GK User
Thu May 28, 2015 6:30 pm
Hi Admin
▸ gk_quark ▸ templates ▸ gk_overrides ▸ 1 ▸ less ▸ variables.less

OK. It is working properly. I changed the name of the folder from "1" on the "set1".
Thank You.

Additional question: If I would like to override another file, for example "menu.less" What should I do?
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Fri May 29, 2015 2:34 pm
The example code in the overrided main.less file is following:

Code: Select all
@parent: "../../../gk_quark/less/";

@import "variables.less";
@import @parent + "mixins.less";

@import @parent + "template.less";

@import @parent + "layout.less";
@import @parent + "menu.less";

@import @parent + "k2.less";
@import @parent + "joomla.less";
@import @parent + "gk.stuff.less";

@import @parent + "typography.less";

@import @parent + "photoswipe.less";
@import @parent + "photoswipe-skin.less";

as you can see only the variables.less file was overrided so there is no "@parent +" code before the file name - other files are loaded from the original location. So if you want to override the menu.less file, you should replace line:

Code: Select all
@import @parent + "menu.less";


Code: Select all
@import "menu.less";
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GK User
Fri May 29, 2015 8:53 pm
OK. Tnak You.
Addition such a situation, configuration template:
1. "Template override custom folder" changing on their own "set1"
2. I enabled the option "Recompile LESS" and "CSS override"

Question: Which file do I edit override.css override.set1.css to introduce additional own changes?

Please, make sure that certainly can edit this file in the template will overwrite the changes in the described situation.

img: http://cl.ly/image/280R032O3J1T
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Sat May 30, 2015 11:13 am
Please edit override.less - because with every LESS compilation you will loose your changes in the CSS files.
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GK User
Sat May 30, 2015 2:12 pm
I understand. Therefore:
1. It's fun would that that information was somewhere next to key enabling komiplacji in the template. This is an important thing.

2. It is unfortunate that compilation does not create the same file from an existing file overrides.less overrides.css.

3. Where override to be placed in a situation where css
 It is a "template override custom folder" changing on Their Own "set1"
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:13 am
It is not possible to merge these two files - it would cause a lot of errors.

The result CSS file from the custom override will be placed in the css directory with the "set1" in the filename.
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GK User
Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:18 pm
Oh yes, but every time I'm use a button "Recompile LESS", lose all the data from the file overrides.set1.css.
It's easy to forget and lose all the data in a file :(. You need to keep in mind.
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Tue Aug 23, 2016 11:14 am
I resume this old post because I've the same problem.
I've installed a fresh joomla and the quark template.
Not using the quickstart installation I had to add the gk_overrides folder in template and I've added also a new folder called "over_masiero" and inside the "less" and "html" folder as well

the only file I need to override is the variable.less so I've edited the ecommerce.main.less file as dziudek suggested.

Code: Select all
@parent: "../../../gk_quark/less/";

@import "variables.less";
@import @parent + "mixins.less";

@import @parent + "template.less";

@import @parent + "layout.less";
@import @parent + "menu.less";

@import @parent + "k2.less";
@import @parent + "joomla.less";
@import @parent + "gk.stuff.less";

@import "ecommerce/virtuemart.less";
@import "ecommerce/acymailing.less";
@import "ecommerce/overrides.less";
@import "ecommerce/additional.less";

@import @parent + "typography.less";

@import @parent + "photoswipe.less";
@import @parent + "photoswipe-skin.less";

@import @parent + "cookielaw.less";

Now I've have the two file ecommerce.main.less and variables.less in my new folder less.

I've set the "Template style" on ecommerce and the "Template custom override folder" on my folder.

But the primary color (the one I changed) don't change on the website...
I did try to recompile less butt it didn't work

What I am missing to be able to use this option??

and another question... in the css folder I find these files:

Are they needed? or they are old files that you used to test this option putting a "test" folder in the gk_overrides folder as you mentioned in the article the explained this function?

hope you can help me

thank you
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Junior Boarder
