Cyberek, thanks for your help. Your solution looks like the right way.
I checked the instruction and two questions are left: Which part of the header do I have to use in my new module position in default.php? I only need the classic navigation functionality with mobile view. And which style is set: "none" or somekind of "gk#"? And can I use it although Menu is set off in template backend configuration. Regards, Ron
Cut out header part from /templates/gk_quark/layouts/default.php, complete file is attached:
<header id="gkHeader" class="gk-clearfix">
<div id="gkHeaderNav" class="gk-clearfix<?php if($this->API->get('menu_fixed', 0) == '1' && $this->API->get('menu_type', 'off-canvas') === 'classic') : ?> gk-fixed<?php endif; ?><?php if($this->API->modules('cart')) : ?> contains-cart<?php endif; ?>">
<?php if($this->API->get('menu_fixed', 0) == '1') : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $this->layout->loadBlock('logo'); ?>
<?php if($this->API->get('menu_type', 'off-canvas') === 'classic') : ?>
$this->mainmenu->genMenu($this->API->get('startlevel', 0), $this->API->get('endlevel',-1));
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($this->API->get('show_menu', 1)) : ?>
<div id="gkMobileMenu" class="gkPage<?php if($this->API->get('menu_type', 'off-canvas') === 'off-canvas') : ?> off-canvas<?php endif; ?>">
<span id="gk-mobile-menu-text"><?php echo JText::_('TPL_GK_LANG_MENU'); ?></span>
<i id="static-aside-menu-toggler"></i>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($this->API->modules('cart')) : ?>
<div id="gk-cart-btn"<?php if(!$this->API->modules('header')) : ?> class="no-header-image"<?php endif; ?>>
<i class="gkicon-cart"></i>
<?php $this->layout->loadBlock('cart'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($this->API->get('menu_fixed', 0) == '1') : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($this->API->modules('header') && $item_id != $error_item_id) : ?>
<div id="gkHeaderMod" class="gk-clearfix">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="header" style="none" />
<?php endif; ?>