Photoswipe very complicated

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Tue May 12, 2015 11:58 am
I purchased Quark because it contents Photoswipe. So i need an answer from the gavick theme.

The Photo Swipe integration is very disappointing to me... I tried it here:

Its a huge effort to create a gallery. I expected something like a gallery module or component, where i can upload the pictures.

- Here i must tell the dimensions of every photo - why?

- I must create a thumbnail for every photo

- and an absolutely "no go": The thumbnails are scaling up.

That all takes too much time! If there is no change i would like to give back the template.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Tue May 12, 2015 2:00 pm
sorry for that, I agree that Photoswipe is not for all users.
But you're in Joomla Lego World it means that you can use any other portfolio or gallery plugin / component instead of this.
Just find what fits better to your purpose goals, will be easier to use and relax.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Sat May 16, 2015 7:06 am
The look of photoswipe in your template is great. A little more comfort in adminsitration would be really good but i know how many work it is.

Thank you very much for offering alternatives. Without photo swipe i like "Photo Architecture" or "Creativity". But i have two questions to these themplates

1) Both templates: Is it possible to change from full size to a fixed sized or more narrow page?

2) In creativity i found a bug (?) in the demo (Desktop Win7, firefox)

- click "What we do"
- click on a picture, i see a blog article
- click the back button of the browser
- then i see a big white screen, only with text.

Is this behaviour in the download file, too?

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sat May 16, 2015 7:45 am
1) Both templates: Is it possible to change from full size to a fixed sized or more narrow page

It theory yes, because whole template was based on CSS, so if you have time you can play with it.
But yes, there is not such a thing like switch - like I saw in other templates.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Sat May 16, 2015 7:49 am
- then i see a big white screen, only with text.

Not really, it's because of delay with effect, so when you scroll or move a mouse small boxed images will appear.
So if you will remove delay effect completely - no problem at all. Hopefully most people goes on or leave - does not return. :mrgreen:
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