I cannot display any html module in that two positions.
Any thoughts?
Cyberek wrote:I have just tested current version of quark template and posting custom html module in mainbody_bottom displays it correctly - for example under single article's comments.
Cyberek wrote:Perhaps you are doing something wrong... Where do you except the module published in the mainbody_top position to show up on your site?
Cyberek wrote:Ok, then other way - assuming you start from quickstart - what should I do to reproduce the issue and where should I check to see it?
Cyberek wrote:Ok, but could you explain in details the configuration of module that didn't show and where you expected to see it?
Cyberek wrote:I have posted your concerns to our dev team. Will write back as soon as I'll get an answer.
Cyberek wrote:Still no info about estimated time of change.
Cyberek wrote:The fix is ready and will be released within next 2 weeks. If you would like to test it sooner, please let me know, I'll prepare the package with the modified files.
Cyberek wrote:Ok. I'll let you know when it will be available in download section.
Cyberek wrote:Have you tried latest template version (please check if update is available)?
SALVAJE wrote:I have the same problem