Problem with the module gallery

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:34 am
Hello. There was a problem with the module gallery. When you open one of the photos and return back to the wall of the gallery there is another photo thumbnail . See the attached file . Why is this happening ? Html code below. No errors found . Code file is also attached . Can you help me ?

<div class="gkPage">
<div class="gk-cols gk-gallery" data-cols="3">
<div><a href="images/gallery/image1.jpg" data-order="1" data-size="1500x811" data-title="Большие люди" data-desc="Только живой звук"><img src="images/gallery/thumb1.jpg" alt="Thumbnail I" width="" height="" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image2.jpg" data-order="4" data-size="1241x706" data-title="Александр Носов" data-desc="Ударные, перкуссии"><img src="images/gallery/thumb2.jpg" alt="Thumbnail II" width="448" height="255" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image3.jpg" data-order="7" data-size="1500x811" data-title="Михаил Трубников" data-desc="Аккордеон, клавишные, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb3.jpg" alt="Thumbnail III" width="448" height="242" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image4.jpg" data-order="10" data-size="1233x811" data-title="Большие люди" data-desc="Только живой звук"><img src="images/gallery/thumb4.jpg" alt="Thumbnail IV" width="448" height="295" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image5.jpg" data-order="13" data-size="1280x613" data-title="Большие люди" data-desc="Настоящие эмоции"><img src="images/gallery/thumb5.jpg" alt="Thumbnail V" width="448" height="215" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image16.jpg" data-order="16" data-size="1536x2048" data-title="Александр Честный" data-desc="Бас-гитара, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb16.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XVI" width="336" height="448" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image17.jpg" data-order="19" data-size="1500x811" data-title="Александр Носов" data-desc="Ударные, перкуссии"><img src="images/gallery/thumb17.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XVII" width="448" height="242" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image18.jpg" data-order="22" data-size="1500x811" data-title="Алексей Уланов" data-desc="Вокал, гитара"><img src="images/gallery/thumb18.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XVIII" width="448" height="242" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image19.jpg" data-order="25" data-size="2560x1277" data-title="Александр Честный" data-desc="Бас-гитара, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb19.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XIX" width="448" height="223" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image20.jpg" data-order="28" data-size="1433x815" data-title="Александр Носов" data-desc="Ударные, перкуссии"><img src="images/gallery/thumb20.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XX" width="448" height="255" /></a></div>
<div><a href="images/gallery/image6.jpg" data-order="2" data-size="2560x1273" data-title="Александр Честный" data-desc="Бас-гитара, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb6.jpg" alt="Thumbnail VI" width="448" height="223" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image7.jpg" data-order="5" data-size="1280x697" data-title="Большие люди" data-desc="Яркие впечатления"><img src="images/gallery/thumb7.jpg" alt="Thumbnail VII" width="448" height="244" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image8.jpg" data-order="8" data-size="1370x808" data-title="Алексей Уланов" data-desc="Вокал, гитара"><img src="images/gallery/thumb8.jpg" alt="Thumbnail VIII" width="448" height="264" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image9.jpg" data-order="11" data-size="619x654" data-title="Алексей Уланов" data-desc="Вокал, гитара"><img src="images/gallery/thumb9.jpg" alt="Thumbnail IX" width="336" height="355" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image10.jpg" data-order="14" data-size="1161x704" data-title="Михаил Трубников" data-desc="Аккордеон, клавишные, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb10.jpg" alt="Thumbnail X" width="448" height="272" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image21.jpg" data-order="17" data-size="1075x808" data-title="Алексей Уланов" data-desc="Вокал, гитара"><img src="images/gallery/thumb21.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XXI" width="448" height="336" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image22.jpg" data-order="20" data-size="1732x1277" data-title="Михаил Трубников" data-desc="Аккордеон, клавишные, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb22.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XXII" width="448" height="330" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image23.jpg" data-order="23" data-size="1085x706" data-title="Большие люди" data-desc="Только живой звук"><img src="images/gallery/thumb23.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XXIII" width="448" height="292" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image24.jpg" data-order="26" data-size="1500x811" data-title="Александр Честный" data-desc="Бас-гитара, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb24.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XXIV" width="640" height="346" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image25.jpg" data-order="29" data-size="1280x831" data-title="Михаил Трубников" data-desc="Аккордеон, клавишные, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb25.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XXV" width="448" height="291" /></a></div>
<div><a href="images/gallery/image11.jpg" data-order="3" data-size="1500x808" data-title="Александр Носов" data-desc="Ударные, перкуссии"><img src="images/gallery/thumb11.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XI" width="448" height="241" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image12.jpg" data-order="6" data-size="1500x808" data-title="Александр Честный" data-desc="Бас-гитара, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb12.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XII" width="448" height="241" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image13.jpg" data-order="9" data-size="1227x555" data-title="Большие люди" data-desc="Приятные воспоминания"><img src="images/gallery/thumb13.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XIII" width="448" height="203" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image14.jpg" data-order="12" data-size="1500x808" data-title="Михаил Трубников" data-desc="Аккордеон, клавишные, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb14.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XIV" width="448" height="241" /></a> <a href="images/gallery/image15.jpg" data-order="15" data-size="1280x706" data-title="Михаил Трубников" data-desc="Аккордеон, клавишные, бэк-вокал"><img src="images/gallery/thumb15.jpg" alt="Thumbnail XV" width="448" height="247" /></a></div>
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:22 am
I corrected the code. Each link in the photo posted on a new line. The problem persists.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:49 pm
The error occurs when posted on the page more than 15 photographs. Tried to post more pictures in a separate module . The error persists . Moreover, the error appears when you click on the photo of the next module , starting with 16th and beyond.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:59 pm
Hi is the data order correct?

The problem is that photo 16 url is = &gid=2&pid=15
Instead of &gid=1&pid=15

Check the url

Do you have update 1.1.1?

I haven't tried more then 15 pictures yet..
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:06 pm
i have tried it with 21 pictures.

It worked. Check if the url shows as : &gid=1&pid=16 etc...
You can see that by clicking the photo straight from the gallery
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:19 pm
xWiz wrote:i have tried it with 21 pictures.

It worked. Check if the url shows as : &gid=1&pid=16 etc...
You can see that by clicking the photo straight from the gallery

On the 16th picture link shows & gid = 1 & pid = 17 . :shock: How to fix it ? I just copied the html code . I do not understand how it happened.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:27 pm
Oh yeah !!! Problem solved !!! :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: xWiz, thank you very much ! I corrected "data-order =" 16 " and it worked . I understand that as soon as the end 15. It is necessary to start from scratch. Where 1 = 16 . I would not have thought of it without your help. Thank you again !
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:09 am
I am glad that it worked! Have a nice day :)!
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Gold Boarder
