In templateDetails.xml under Image Settings a field name: featured_image_fullhd but in helper.layout.php a different name is being used: featured_image_height_full_hd
Also get() is using different defaults values as what is declared in templateDetails.xml.
Another bug I found is an error when using Joomla Content and using the new feature Override. No content is being shown and an error with undefined DS and JFile class. I guess you guys developed this template only with K2. The override is a cool feature but kind of buggy for me.
Another one, is with Override again with LESS. In the main.less, the import has @parent + override less. To be clear here, you guys are thinking that web admin will create their own css on the less override? My first thought is to copy all the original less and modify it in the override but I have not thought of create my own entry.