Yesterday I published a mini-website made with Quark and everything worked fine.
Today I made a change in the menu option for the main menu item Contacte and it displays me a wrong url. I mean:
Before I made the change: www.mysite.org/contacte displayed the contact information and form from Joomla contact (components > contact).
Then in the menu item Contact, in the Tab "Menu Params (Gavick Pro)", I choose YES in the first field "show title" (it was set on NO as default) and starting from then my URL for the menu item Contact is www.mysite.org/k2-user-groups/contacte. The old one "www.mysite.org/contacte" now displays a 404 error.
And if I put NO in the main menu item Contact> Menu Params (Gavick Pro) > show title, nothing changes even deleting chrome cache.
Why does it add "k2-user-groups" in the url?