How to change font size in post titles?

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GK User
Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:58 am
On some of my posts, the title is quite long, so I'd like to change the font size to prevent it wrapping onto multiple lines.

For example on this post, the font wraps far too much:

The only way I found to adjust it was by adding html tags to the title like this:
"<span STYLE="font-size: medium"><b>The Beginning,<br/>The End,<br/>The Journey</b></span>"

This makes it fit the space better on the post page, but also affects it on category pages and tag pages.
Also, if I view the page on smartphone, the font now looks too small.

Is there any setting to adjust font sizes to fit better, and only on the post page?
For example is there a way to set the font size to automatically adjust to fit the width, rather than hard-coding a font size into the post title?
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GK User
Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:41 am

Unfortunately I can't see your post now.

Do you want to change font size only on this one posts or for all posts?
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GK User
Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:25 pm
This is a screenshot:

I'd be happy if I could optionally change the font size on this post and any future posts with really long titles.
But a global setting for all posts would also be fine, as long as:
1. It isn't a fixed font size, but variable "to fit screen width" size.
2. It doesn't put line breaks in the middle of words, as the theme currently does if a word is too long
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GK User
Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:04 pm
You can also use this syntax in your post's title to display the second part smaller:
Code: Select all
Single Family--The interior PM

Custom css code for all posts:
Code: Select all
.single .item-header .item-basic-info h1 {
  font-size: 30px;

and for specific post:
Code: Select all
.postid-X .item-header .item-basic-info h1 {
  font-size: 30px;

where X is your post ID.

Regarding the second issue - please change Customize -> Features -> "Enable word-break" option.
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GK User
Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:18 pm
Thanks so much, Piotr. Brilliant help as always.
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