Photo template - issues

A professionally designed template for photographers and architects
GK User
Sat May 23, 2015 8:54 am
I purchased it and the first look ist very good!

But i have a few questions:

- Option "Mootools library on pages":
How can i disable mootools for the whole system? I created a rule "Option - Disabled" but mootools are still loading.

- Width of template
What is the best method to fix the Template to a (maximum) width in desktop mode? I tried width to body{} but the menu in the lower screen is still full width. Perhaps you can give me a hint where i must change the code.

- Can i use this template without k2? The problem is that i have an additional "item" in the page adress if i am using k2.

Thank you
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu May 28, 2015 3:31 pm

1) I suggest you to add in the lib/gk.framework.php file in the __construct the following code:

Code: Select all
GKParser::$customRules['/<script src="(.*?)media\/system\/js\/mootools-core.js" type="text\/javascript"><\/script>/mi'] = '';
GKParser::$customRules['/<script src="(.*?)media\/system\/js\/mootools-more.js" type="text\/javascript"><\/script>/mi'] = '';

2) In fact this template is designed to be full-width and making it fixed with is a custom work beyond of our technical support. With menu you can try to set for it max-width, left to 50% and transform to translateX(-50%)

3) Yes, you can, but you can also remove the additional item in the menu by creating hidden menu which will directly link to your category - or create a menu item on the 1. menu level and then click "rebuilt" in the menu manager what will case rewrite of the current URLs to a new form.
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