A few things I couldn't find in the documentation. Any help would be appreciated.
1. At the top right, next to the search logo is a circle with a head in it. It links to random posts, and changes depending on what post or archive page I'm on. What is this and how do I edit its function?
2. All my Category and Tag archive pages show two full-width articles and the remaining articles are split into 2 columns. I would like to only show 1 (or maybe 0) full-width entries on these archive pages. I assume this is changed under Amount of One Column Entries. But this setting is not accessible when I am using the Portfolio template. Where can I change it?
3. The Configuration article says if I choose the Frontpage Overlay template, I can change the Excerpt Chars Limit (and choose whether to show excepts or not). But I want to change this Excerpt Chars Limit for my Category and Tag archive pages. Where do I change this setting? (I am using Portfolio template).
4. I don't understand the Menu Locations (in the Customise section) or the "Theme locations" (in Dashboard --> Appearance --> Menu Settings).
I have created a new menu and if I assign it to the location "Main Menu", it appears on the left side of the page. But if I assign it to the location "Footer Menu" or "Social Menu", I can't see it anywhere.
5. I want to add a Facebook link to appear in the Main Menu (on the left side). How do I do this? If my Social Menu includes a Facebook link and I assign "Social Menu" to the location "Main Menu", my main menu disappears but no social icons appear.