Hi to the Gavick team,
your templates and suggestions are always a best have!
I need to ask your help for the brightness/brillance/luminosity of images that are showing in Writer themplate - portfolio style.
Like a photographer like I'm, I would like see a brightness/brillance/luminosity images in home page and in the "Featured Image" (the top image in each posts/pages).
Here is an example in my site that using your template:
- featured images in home page: http://www.wedding-photographer-in-italy.com
- featured image in a post: http://www.wedding-photographer-in-italy.com/love-story-engagements/photographic-excursion-rome-center-rimma-vladimir/
- the same image is on the post while you will browse down.
- and this is the image alone where you can see at the best of colors: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-jV0WH_EwsEo/Uc1X6gamALI/AAAAAAAADFw/_bVUKfTxWnY/w1280-h853-no/M_M_037.jpg
Is there a way that I can see the same image brillance in the top of posts and homepage?
Thanks for any help.