what is the cookie script use in wtiter demo ?

Writer is a clean and professional theme for blog or personal website.
GK User
Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:50 am
Why is that question related to "Writer" template ... because the one provided in the Writer download is not at all the one visible in gavick site Writer demo ...

The one in the download is ... not so nice ... I guess Gavick came with same conclusion as they show on their own site a different one
So which one was used ? or if it is a custom code, css or file, can Gavick provide it ?


PS: in general, it is very frustuating to download & install a package that is supposed to be the full demo, and to have something different (some may say it is even misleading the sale) ; same for the pictures: either gavick has the rights to provide them, or a partnership with some imageprovider would allow to include all images to obtain the 100% same demo as in the gavick site
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GK User
Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:29 am
1. Cookie plugin - I'll ask our devteam why is it so.
2. AFAIK there is no royalty free images company that allows to resell their images. Licence forbids redistributing images in any case and companies who provides them doesn't care if you are selling templates, templates with their images or their images - if you provide the images - you are violating the licence agreement. Also, what is even more important - it's strange and I can think of use of images that someone choose for their product. Each site is individual and should be designed with use of carefully selected images - mostly basing on product (if it is e-commerce site) or person / company.
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GK User
Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:52 am
Going back to cookie policy - solution that we use on demo server was implemented just for our purpose, while the solution on templates was designed later. On templates we use other (3rd party) solution that was created just for that purpose. Right now there is no way to create same behave.
If you simply doesn't like the look of the demo and cookie policy + no images is too much for you you can ask for a refund. For us it's very important important to have happy clients that likes to use our product.
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GK User
Sat Dec 13, 2014 10:30 am
Hi Cyberek,

take it easy :)
My question was not a complain ... more positively, just, can you give the name of this 3rd party component cookie ?

and about the images, I am not suggesting you sell their photos. But they WILL accept that you distribute in that (small) resolution the photos for démos purpose only, with a statement that your users do not have the rights to use them other that non public demo or testing purpose.
At worst they will ask you to put on the pictures some kinf of "ShutterABCD.com" name
For them, not only you buy the photos, but additionnaly you make them free advertizing

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GK User
Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:20 pm
Sorry for late response.
Sadly I cant provide you with this script as it is custom made only for our site/forum/demo templates and to be honest - as a moderator I don't even have an access to it. Perhaps you might try to search some 3rd party ready plugin in Joomla database - I know it's not the best advice that can be given but its the only I have right now.

If it goest to the photos - we use shutterstock, istockphoto and similar services... And as any user of that service - we can't negotiate their terms. What's worse - penalties that they make for not acting according to their terms&conditions are quite huge.
The only thing I might do is to talk to our graphic designers to attach links to original stock images so if user decide to buy same photo - he/she can know where to search for it. Yet I can't guarantee it can be done, and if - only from next template released.
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GK User
Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:08 pm
Hi Cyberek,
it's Christmas time :)
Why not release that cookie code as an extension/module ?
One option inside could be to be able to select the different cookie templates you have already made ; I mean each cookie code that are visible in your template demos (at least the latest ones)

Please suggest that to the boss :)


PS: about the photos I give up ; you seems not to be confident in your negociation and arguments Gavick can have
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:23 am
If it goes to cookie policy - I can only provide the request to our devteam.
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GK User
Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:28 am
And if it goes to the pictures - sorry, it's as simple as that - if the pics would be included, price of the templates/membership would rise, and fulfilling legal contracts would be simply to much for 99% of our customers. I have asked our devteam to include links to original images that can be bought on stock sites, but that is just a request and they will consider but no 100% guarantee.
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