Events & Blog, Add Paragraphs, FrontPage cropping background

Steak House, food and drink theme, is now available on support forum.
GK User
Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:14 pm
Hello! I'd like to ask the ff:

1. I want my Frontpage to be just the logo showing in the middle center area, but when I try to remove all the things in it. The background photo crops to show just the bounding area around the logo. How do I change it without cropping the background. As my photo background needs to showcase the chef's face?

2. For the Events & Blog Page, the cta buttong "Find more News" how to I put a link to all the Blog Posts categorized as Media?
with the Layout as "Our Blog" like in the demo.

3. When I try to edit the text content in the "Contact Us" Page, the paragraphs are not working. Even when I try to make a custom code of "<br> or <p>" How do I make next lines to my text?

4. Can I make a custom Map where if they link "Locate Us" it will also show an info bubble of the place?

5. Menu TOP NAVIGATION on drag down: How do I place the logo on the most left corner of the space? also the menu links beside it. Since the demo has 2 menus (right and left), I don't want a space for the left menu. I want it to be LOGO then the menu list on the most left corner of the space.

this is my email if you want to know the admin details of the site: [email protected]
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:34 pm

Regarding your questions:
1. I need to see your website, could you send an URL here or you can send me private message.

2. Please check: ... og-section
and "Setting the "Find More News" Link" section to change the button URL, i'm not sure what do you mean by "blog posts categorized as media"? It's media category of posts or media attachments from media library?

3. Please try to use text editor instead of the visual one.

4. Sure, you can, please check the documentation: ... us-section

5. I'll try to help you with that when I check your website.
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GK User
Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:45 pm

Regarding your issues:

1. Now I can see only the logo and menu links, do you want to remove also these links and show only the logo?

2. Try to add the following URL:
that's all:
Code: Select all

3. Try this plugin: ... ormatting/
or filters: ... ress-posts

4. Try to add this custom css code i.e. into css/override.css file:
or use custom css plugin: ... ress-theme
Code: Select all
#gk-header-nav .gk-logo {
  left: 18%;

#gk-header-nav .main-navigation {
  margin-left: 300px;
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GK User
Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:49 am
1. Try add this custom css:
Code: Select all
#gk-header {
  background-size: contain;

2. It's default category view, co you can change the amount of displayed posts in General -> Reading settings

3. If you want to remove the MENU title, please edit this page and change title to:
Code: Select all
!Menu--Discover our menu
with "!" at the beginning.

4. You can use i.e. this plugin:
to add social icons to your Menu Right.
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