I'm using the News Show Pro widget shortode:
- Code: Select all
[gknsp article_wrapper="news_grid" news_grid_date_format="j F, Y" news_grid_text_length="50" news_grid_link_url="#news-and-promos/" cache_time="0" data_source_type="wp-category" wp_category_list="37,38" gknsp article_cols="2" article_rows="2"]
All images on my posts are 1200 x 800 pixels.
When I see the carousel, images look terribly pixelated. I'm thinking the problem is that the plugin is obtaining a thumbnail or reduced version of the original image, for example, for one of the images, this is the HTML in the DOM:
- Code: Select all
<img src="[page_url]/wp-content/uploads/gk_nsp_cache/Image-for-Post-_article.jpg" alt="Image For Post">
i.e. it's taking the 284x213 version
How can I override to prevent this? At least I would like to have retina display quality.
Thanks in advance.