A very helpfull documentation.
Here is the header module Html code:
<h1 data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom and wait 1.1s">Forum Africain</h1>
<p><small data-scroll-reveal="enter top and wait 1s">sur la</small></p>
<h1 data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom and wait 1.1s">Sécurité Routière</h1>
<h2 data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom and wait 1.4s">17 - 19 Nov. 2014, Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO.</h2>
<p data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom and wait 1.5s">Premières rencontres africaines sur les questions de sécurité routière.</p>
<p><a class="btn-big" href="#" data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom and wait 1.5s">S'inscrire</a> <a class="modal btn-video" href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3X1iYm68VdI" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 640, y: 480}}" data-scroll-reveal="enter bottom and wait 1.5s">Bande annonce</a></p>
I would like to change <h1> and <p> in black (#040000) and <h2> in an other color (#fca51d)
With Firebug i found that the Css files are gkHeaderMod h1, gkHeaderMod h2 and gkHeaderMod small.