No Captcha on gkcontacts

Professionally designed and responsive events Joomla template to launch your event based website.
GK User
Sat May 13, 2017 11:46 am
I'm receiving a lot of spam on my website, how an I add the No Captcha inside the gk contacts section that is created by the plugin?
Thanks in advance
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GK User
Sat May 13, 2017 12:25 pm
I've already followed the instructions on this page (adding recaptcha="on"):
But the plugin is not shown anymore. I think that the version of the GK-Contacts plugin is old because I see that in the link mentioned above, the plugin is used by [GK_Contact] and on my website it is used with the form {GKCONTACTS}. Or because Events is a Joomla template.

Is it possible to update the plugin in orger to have the No Captcha option?
How can I get a new version of the plugin and install only that on the website?
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GK User
Wed May 17, 2017 10:35 pm
From the plugin configuration I have the possibility to add the reCaptcha. Although I would prefer not to reload the whole page in case of error and set the error msg at the top of the screen, at least it will prevent the spam.

The problem is that I get the following error on console:
Code: Select all
"TypeError: Z.widget is null"   on    recaptcha_ajax.js (linea 177, col 241)

Do you know how to fix this error?

Is there a way to use the No Captcha (I mean the one with the checkbox "I'm not a robot") ?

Thanks in advance
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Junior Boarder

Tue May 23, 2017 11:34 am

The checkbox recaptcha is called Recaptcha V2. Newer version of the plugin can be found in rest_files package, than You will be able to use this recaptach code.

For reloading Im afraid not much can be done since it would be require massive recoding to the plugin.
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GK User
Thu May 25, 2017 12:11 am

I upgraded the joomla version to get the Recaptcha V2 option on the recaptcha plugin. Now the issue is that the div for the captcha is created but there is nothing displayed in it.

I tried to use the gkcontacts plugin I found on the rest_files package, and also in that case the recaptcha is not visible, adding that the css is missing (there is no more displayed in the -cols form as it was before).

Do you have any idea of how can I solve this?
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GK User
Fri May 26, 2017 4:46 pm
To make it short, after the joomla upgrade, the recaptcha V2 is there (available in the recaptcha plugin) but not working, if I switch the plugin to use the recaptcha v1 it works.
I think that there should be something else to update on the template or on the gk contacts plugin but I cannot understand what. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
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Junior Boarder

Wed May 31, 2017 10:41 am

I still think Your are using old recaptcha KEY and SECRET, so that's why V1 is working, but V2 don't. Try generate it again and send me it along with joomla panel access to my email [email protected]
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