Yes i will glad to help here is the solution that i use with gavick template
1.I use qtranslate x and is complete free translation plugin and easy to use and install
2.After installing qtranslate x go to WP admin in settings section - language and select languages tab (I use Serbian so i will explaing for that particular language how to setup)
3.On the left side oyu must input correct parameters for your add language
- Language code field you will find link ISO Language Code and type your code for Serbian language code is "sr"
- Name (in native alphabet) field for Serbian is "Srpski"
- Locale field for Serbian is "sr_RS" this is very important to be correct for your language for example for english is " en_US"
- Date format for Serbian is %d/%m/%Y
- Time format for Serbian is %H:%M
- Not Available Message type what ever message you want i use "Sorry, this entry is only available in %LANG:, : and %." you can type what ever message you want for the content that is not translated it will show
Recommandation: if this doesnt help you you can chose form the "List of Configured Languages" how other languages is configured and figure it out what language is closest to your and just copy/paste
4.Go to Appereance-Widgets and just drag and drop widget "qTranslate Language Chooser" widget to the right side on module where you want your language chooser widget want to be shown
5.Play a little bit with widget setting and you will figure it out how it is functioning it is very easy
I hope this help