Print, Email and Edit icons disapeared

GK User
Sun Jan 01, 2017 5:15 pm
I'm using the University template and the print & email icons disappeared on all the pages. How can I fix this?
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:48 am
Could you please provide me with a URL to your website, either here or via PM (click the “Private Message” text underneath my avatar) so that I may analyze it? It is a lot easier for us to diagnose issues when we have a live site to examine.
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GK User
Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:05 pm
teitbite wrote:Could you please provide me with a URL to your website, either here or via PM (click the “Private Message” text underneath my avatar) so that I may analyze it? It is a lot easier for us to diagnose issues when we have a live site to examine.

Hello I have sent you the information in a private message yesterday and wanted to make sure you have received it. Thanks.
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:01 pm

Do You mean icons as little pics ? This template never had such icons. It was always links, which I see showing fine on Your website. I thought this was a reason to report that. If You want icons there edit files /html/com_content/article/default.php or/and /html/com_k2/templates/default/item.php and replace: icon-envelope, icon-print with fa-envelope, fa-print since Font-Awesome is included already.
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