I'm trying to install the quickstart pack, but every time it starts creating tables (step 3) - I get back to step 2 with a huge error list (see attachment).
I searched and I read that "Display Errors on" could cause that king of error (even though being "off" is just a recommendation).
However, my settings have "display errors" set to off. Nevertheless, I followed the instructions and added
- Code: Select all
ini_set('display_errors', '0');
in installation/index.php
Still didn't work.
So, in a different directory, I tried to do a fresh installation of Joomla 3. Guess what? It shows "Display errors off"!!!!!
Finally, I tried to install, in another directory, a different gavick quickstart pack (events) and I got "display errors on"!
So clearly it's not a PHP miss configuration but something in the quickstart packs that is making display errors to be on!
How can I solve this?...