Hello. I have installed the template University v.3.19 (with J.3.4.8) and I would like to upgrade it to v.3.20.1 (Joomla 3.5+). Where can I find instructions for upgrading ? Thank you. George
Everything works for me in my copy of University quickstart I have on my computer.
GK User
Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:54 pm
Once I reverted to 3.4.8 and University 3.17.1, then updated to K2 2.7.0 it worked again. So for now, crisis averted. But php 7 doesn't seem to be in my near future for the site I was working on. I have a highly customized build of the template (css only) and I suspect a good deal of that also crashed and burned.
: )
Junior Boarder
Mon May 02, 2016 9:35 am
PHP7 is not a must. Most problems I've seen after update were with database, but nothing a simple comparison in joomla database management cant fix.
Try make a copy of Your site and make all updates there. Let me know if You will encounter problems, I'll try to help.