NSP GK5 - Latest Events on Frontpage Shows Wrong Date in Box

GK User
Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:55 pm
I have created a couple of events using K2 to show up with News Show Pro GK5. The events as K2 items seem to be just what I want. However, there is 1 issue that I can not seem to figure out.


As you can see with this image above, I have the dates set for 2 events. However, the box on the left of each event is off by 1 day. Welcoming the Stranger is set for Dec 18th (listed as Dec 17th in the box) and Christmas Eve Service is set for Dec 24th (listed as Dec 23rd in the box)

Here is my code for each to see if there is something that I am missing.

Welcoming the Stranger for Dec 18th:
Code: Select all
<div class="gkEvent">
<h3>Event Details:</h3>
<li><strong>Date:</strong> <span class="gkEventPeriod"> <time class="gkEventDateStart" datetime="18-12-2015">December 18, 2015</time></span> <span class="gkEventHours"> <time class="gkEventTimeStart" datetime="18:00">6:00 pm</time> - <time class="gkEventTimeEnd" datetime="18:45">6:45 pm</time> </span></li>
<li><strong>Venue:</strong>Community Unitarian Universalist Church</li>
<li class="gkEventRegister"><a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/Community+Unitarian+Universalist+Church/@46.2347147,-119.1290679,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xdc9b252f3ed13ca0" target="_blank">Directions</a></li>
<time class="gkEventCounter" datetime="18-12-2015">Time left to event</time></div>
<p>'Welcoming the Stranger' is a Tri-Cities Community Vigil in support of refugees around the world.</p>
<hr id="system-readmore" />
<h4>'Bearing witness to love over fear, and hope beyond dread.'</h4>
<li>United Nation International Migrants Day</li>
<li>Come by to pause for quiet reflection, meditation, prayer.</li>

Christmas Eve Service for Dec 24th:

Code: Select all
<div class="gkEvent">
<h3>Event Details:</h3>
<li><strong>Date:</strong> <span class="gkEventPeriod"> <time class="gkEventDateStart" datetime="24-12-2015">December 24, 2015</time></span> <span class="gkEventHours"> <time class="gkEventTimeStart" datetime="15:00">7:00 pm</time> - <time class="gkEventTimeEnd" datetime="16:00">8:00 pm</time> </span></li>
<li><strong>Venue:</strong>Shalom UCC</li>
<li class="gkEventRegister"><a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/Shalom+United+Church+of+Christ/@46.299992,-119.277076,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x701fc503e8b82587" target="_blank">Directions</a></li>
<time class="gkEventCounter" datetime="24-12-2015">Time left to event</time></div>
<p>Join Pastor Steven Eriksen and the Shalom UCC Congregation in the yearly Christmas Eve Worship Service.</p>
<hr id="system-readmore" />
<h4>The event program:</h4>
<ul class="gkBullet2">
<li>Worship Service starts at 7pm</li>
<li>After the service, join everyone in fellowship</li>
<p>All are welcome to join us in worship.</p>

Thanks in advance!
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Fresh Boarder

Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:23 pm

This could be an issue with a different time set in server and database. Please try correct this gap by using "Time offset" option in News Show Pro GK5 module's configuration. Let me know if this helped. If not send me na access to Your joomla panel.
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GK User
Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:03 pm
I have set the "Time offset" to +12 with no change. I also changed the Time offset to -12 to see if there was any change, but nothing as well.

I have sent a private message!

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Fresh Boarder

Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:25 pm

I had a chance to see it and this is not the problem I was thinking about. It's simply 2 different dates. One of the dates is a date of the even You have set in content and the date in square box is a date of article creation. If You want them appear same fastest way is to change creation date while editing K2 item.
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GK User
Mon Dec 28, 2015 8:55 pm
I resolved the issue.

The module seems to pull the server time zone and it affects the box. So, since I'm on PST (-8), it would get the date/time setting for Christmas (as an example) of 25-12-2015 and the time would be 00:00:00. Pulling my time zone in, it would set it as 00:00:00 - 08:00:00, and would make the box a day earlier.

I set the time zone in the Global Configuration for UTC (0) and it fixed it.
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:37 am

Great to hear that. It's actually not a module but K2 using server date and database date. So Your change has probably forced it to use the same one and fixed the problem :) Good job, I've never have thought about changing it other way around.
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