Hi One week ago i have updated university template to the last version but now Google analytic doesn't record any access
I've Putin The Google analytic code in template manager under feauters
Can you help me? Thanks luca
Junior Boarder
GK User
Sat Nov 07, 2015 10:01 pm
Hi, first main question. Check front-end code if GA is still there? Besides you can always use Google Analytics's plugin, which will be independent from GK product.
Platinum Boarder
GK User
Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:58 pm
no is not loaded in souce code.... why?
Junior Boarder
GK User
Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:53 pm
I tested on mine site UA code and worked, also on the latest version of template
So it must be something else. If you're not sure why, just use additional plugin for test period.