Vimeo video showing without the controllers

GK User
Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:19 pm

I'm having a problem with the university template
I using a component call "Preachit!" this is the conversation I having with the dev:
Ok, I've found the issue. For some reason you have an extra div around the video with a class called "fluid-width-video-wrapper". My guess would be that you've added this at some point to the vimeo player code in the Preachit mediaplayer area or it's added by a plugin somewhere. Anyway, this div has a fixed height of 75% and is forcing the player to be that size. That's why the controls were missing previously.

this is the problem:

In the video window we have the vimeo video showing without the controllers the video is down in the frame for some reason, can you help us have the video in place?
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:05 pm
Please verify if changing
Code: Select all

at the end of this file:
Code: Select all

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