Latest Events module contain Latest News, use K2 fields

GK User
Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:45 am
Loving the new University template.

I notices that the Latest Events module in the header_left position seems to look at the Events List 1 K2 items and pulls the date and time until event from HTML5 time tags in the Content tab of the K2 item.

I was hoping that you guys might create a variation in the next update that would use the Created date of the K2 item where the date in the box is displayed and maybe even turn that little bar graph into a "number of hits" indicator.

Keep up the gold work!
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GK User
Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:46 pm

Interesting idea, but the main problem is with the number of hits indicatior - the progress bar needs the total value of hits, so the only way to specify it is setting it to the maximum hits value from all fetched items - it will cause that for all displayed items it will be most probably very similar. Do you have any other idea for this case?
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