Need white background for Logo placement

May 2014 Joomla Template
GK User
Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:45 am
Hi, I have installed university template qucikstart package (joomla)
There is compliance issue placing logo of our company. Our company logo can be only placed on white back ground, as you are aware university theme shows logos on background image, which is a concern for our company.

I was thinking if there is any way to create a white band on top of the page ( on which menu and logo will be displayed).
Ofcourse I need to change the menu text color to other than white,

menawhile I am figuring out other option.

Please help me on this, issue has become a go or no go decision for the website.
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GK User
Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:58 am
do not worry each template can be customized, this is not printed book.
Also in this case one line of CSS should help:

To make whole header (logo, menu) area white:
#gkHeaderNav {background:white;}
To make only logo area white:
#gkLogo {background:white;}
it should work if logo is uploaded logo image.

But to help more I have to see at least temporary URL,
BTW Are you a teacher who has to build a new website for school ? :mrgreen:

In template options you will find Custom CSS field, where you should input above code.
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GK User
Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:07 pm
Thank you very much, this information was very helpful !
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