On the demo website there is on the event page an 'event details'. How to create this? When i copy and paste the html into my article it works:
<div class="gkEvent">
<h3>Event Details:</h3>
<li><strong>Date:</strong> <span class="gkEventPeriod">
<time datetime="10-07-2016" class="gkEventDateStart">10 July 2014</time>
<time datetime="16-07-2016" class="gkEventDateEnd">16 July 2014</time>
</span> <span class="gkEventHours">
<time datetime="07:00" class="gkEventTimeStart">7:00 am</time>
<time datetime="18:00" class="gkEventTimeEnd">6:00 pm</time>
</span> </li>
<li> <strong>Venue:</strong> <span>Poland, Krynica-Zdroj 246a</span> </li>
<li class="gkEventRegister"><a href="#">Register</a></li>
<time class="gkEventCounter" datetime="29-05-2013">Time left to event<div style="width: 48%;"></div></time>
But i cant imagine this is the way to go. Cant this also be fixed with some custom fields in K2 items?