I found a page in your documentation which says to use:
- Code: Select all
[gknsp widget_css_suffix="separator overlay" offset="4" article_cols="3" article_rows="1" article_image_w="380" article_image_h="204" article_image_order="1" article_image_popup="off" article_title_order="2" article_info_state="off" article_block_padding="0 7px 64px 7px" image_block_padding="0 0 40px 0" article_text_len="6"]
...but this only shows 1 post for me, the oldest. I've tried changing the offset to 0 and blank but still same and I just want the latest 3 posts.
When I use the widget, it works, but title is above image and I cannot reorder the display like you can with shortcode. Any ideas?