TinyMCE editor width - can make 100%?

May 2014 WordPress Theme
GK User
Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:01 pm
HI there,

I noticed when writing out a normal WP post, that the text editor doesnt stretch all the way to the edge of the window. Looking at the element, is seems to be set as:

html .mceContentBody {
max-width: 584px;

...which is in /wp-content/themes/StoreFront/editor-style.css. I've commented it out but I'm wondering if this is set for a reason or if it will affect anything else in the admin? Is it safe to comment out?

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:59 pm

If you don't like this value of the content, it's safe to comment out or remove this fragment.
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GK User
Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:57 pm
Great, thanks!
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Fresh Boarder
