currently my page displays three blogs starting from oldest to the left. I'd like this to change so that it shows the latest blog post to the left, then the previous one in the middle then the one before it to the right.
Here's the current code for the page;
- Code: Select all
<h3 class="box-title bigtitle"><small>The Gentleman Factory</small></h3>
[gknsp cache_time="0" widget_css_suffix="separator overlay" offset="0" article_cols="3" article_rows="1" article_image_w="380" article_image_h="204" article_image_order="1" article_image_popup="off" article_title_order="2" article_info_state="off" article_block_padding="0 7px 64px 7px" image_block_padding="0 0 40px 0" article_text_len="20"]
How can I change this please, for the latest to show first?