The FTP access You send wasn't working, but Joomla access did. So I was able to test it and it's not cache related as I suspected, it's either not in connection to our products since it's the same issue with Protostar, which is a default joomla template.
So my next guess was that it has something to do with user groups, but everything looks to be correct in user manager.
Have You made any changes to menu/users/user groups ? Please let me know it may help to figure out waht is wrong.
Anyway it looks like a joomla bug, I've found many report of the same problem from years before:
https://www.google.pl/search?q=joomla+n ... +working&* unfortunately the only fixes are involving changes to core joomla files which I think is unnecessary and will only make the bug come back again after an update.
For the fast fix You can edit file /libraries/cms/application.php and change line:
- Code: Select all
if ($this->get('offline') && !JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.login.offline'))
- Code: Select all
if ($this->get('offline'))