With the latest version of joomla, last version of storefront gk template and last version of virtuemart the plugin catpcha re-captcha dont show. With another template the plugins work fine.
attached file
Fresh Boarder
Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:28 pm
Please tell me the exact url to where I'll be able to see this problem.
In that case please send me an access to joomla panel, so I'll be able to enable it to check.
GK User
Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:36 pm
hi, the message is send
Fresh Boarder
Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:23 am
Unfortunately I'm not able to check the problem since /administrator folder is redirecting to 404 error page and not joomla panel. Anyway I do not remember re-captcha showing in this place at all. From what I remember re-captcha is only visible during registration and it's most probably some side plugin from VM. Please try to contact VM support about this problem too. I'm not an expert if it comes to VM, so they may know better.