Using J3.5.1 - Virtuemart 3.0.16 - Storefront version 3.20.1
We are using the vmcustom plugin Catproduct - childs list of virtuemart products with one addtocart and no addtocart on parent - customsfield uses layout position "normal" in Virtuemart default productdetails page.
Demo Catproduct :
In Storefront quickstart: table with childs is displayed in tabcontent - example url: ... let-detail.
If i add code - customsfield layout position "normal" from default vm - to Storefront productdetailspage it is displayed fine and the table use the width 100% but it is not looking good on mobile device - it does not catch responsive layout which are included in plugin.
Quantity-controls quantity-plus and minus is not displayed - it uses virtuemart css but that is disabled in config.
Hope you can help..