Cat product - Virtuemart

GK User
Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:31 pm
Using J3.5.1 - Virtuemart 3.0.16 - Storefront version 3.20.1

We are using the vmcustom plugin Catproduct - childs list of virtuemart products with one addtocart and no addtocart on parent - customsfield uses layout position "normal" in Virtuemart default productdetails page.
Demo Catproduct :
In Storefront quickstart: table with childs is displayed in tabcontent - example url: ... let-detail.
If i add code - customsfield layout position "normal" from default vm - to Storefront productdetailspage it is displayed fine and the table use the width 100% but it is not looking good on mobile device - it does not catch responsive layout which are included in plugin.
Quantity-controls quantity-plus and minus is not displayed - it uses virtuemart css but that is disabled in config.
Hope you can help.. :)
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Junior Boarder

Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:14 am

Since this question is about not supported extension and adjustments in our template to force it to work it's out of the regular support rules. So I'm closing this thread here and please keep conversation in VIP section.
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